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I regularly read Nature, Science, PNAS, American Antiquity, Antiquity, Applied Energy, Archäologische Informationen, Archäologisches Korrespondenzblatt, Biblical Archaeology Review, Cambridge Archaeological Journal, Current Anthropology, Evolutionary Anthropology, Journal of Ancient Egyptian Interconnections, Journal of Anthropological Archaeology, Journal of Anthropological Research, Journal of Archaeological Science, Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports, Journal of Human Evolution, Oxford Journal of Archaeology, (several of them on paper – my one big indulgence and luxury) and whatever tidbits I’m led to by finding them being mentioned somewhere. For those marked in bold my personal subscription grants me access to content I can’t get through the University of Cologne.
Whoever happens to share my particular interests can find a list here of all the highlights of the current week, together with abstracts and the personal comments I feel compelled to make.
Nowadays deep soil samples are routinely tested for pollen, DNA and other equally small constituents. Admittedly Rotchell et al. looked in a place that was particularly strongly influenced by flowing groundwater but still their result is a sobering reminder not to believe everything you see. Contamination can occur even in undisturbed layers 7 meters deep.
Up to now I have always followed the school considering a migration of the Bantu Eastern Stream north and out of the rain forest the more likely scenario. With Fortes-Lima et al. this hypothesis is finally falsified. This makes Wotzka’s new results about the proven feasibility of millet growing in forest landscapes all the more important and relevant.
Artaxo is a comment on Butt et al. from the list of 2023-11-22. Following them Amazon deforestation will have a large impact on regional warming and humidity and on global precipitation patterns, which is a huge problem. All Artaxo talks about is the also present reduction in carbon capture.