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Du 2020

Zhanwei Du, Xiaoke Xu, Ye Wu, Lin Wang, Benjamin J. Cowling & Lauren Ancel Meyers, The serial interval of COVID-19 from publicly reported confirmed cases. medRxiv 2020 , 20025452. <DOI:10.1101/2020.02.19.20025452>.

We estimate the distribution of serial intervals for 468 confirmed cases of COVID-19 reported in 93 Chinese cities by February 8, 2020. The mean and standard deviation are 3.96 (95 % CI 3.53-4.39) and 4.75 (95 % CI 4.46-5.07) days, respectively, with 12.6 % of reports indicating pre-symptomatic transmission.

Keywords: Wuhan | coronavirus | epidemiology | serial interval

Notably, 59 of the 468 reports indicate that the infectee developed symptoms earlier than the infector. Thus, pre-symptomatic transmission may be occurring.

Fang 2020

Lei Fang, George Karakiulakis & Michael Roth, Are patients with hypertension and diabetes mellitus at increased risk for COVID-19 infection? The Lancet (2020), preprint, 1. <>.

In a third study, of 140 patients who were admitted to hospital with COVID-19, 30 % had hypertension and 12 % had diabetes. Notably, the most frequent comorbidities reported in these three studies of patients with COVID-19 are often treated with angiotensinconverting enzyme (ACE) inhibitors.

Jenny 2020

Jean-Philippe Jenny et al., Human societies began to play a significant role in global sediment transfer 4,000 years ago, Reply to Li et al. PNAS 117 (2020), 5571–5572.

In fact, to avoid circularity and standardize our approach, climate time series for the past 8,000 y (i.e., average, minimum and maximum of annual precipitation, surface air temperature, and wind) were instead collected for all sites from model simulations with the MPI-ESM-1.2LR, which does not include or assimilate the pollen records.

Jean-Philippe Jenny, Sujan Koiral, Irene Gregory-Eaves, Pierre Francus, Bernhard Ahrens, Victor Brovkin, Antti E. K. Ojala, Bernd Zolitschka, Juergen Bader & Nuno Carvalhais

Jones 2020

David S. Jones, History in a Crisis — Lessons for Covid-19. New England Journal of Medicine (2020), preprint, 1–3. <DOI:10.1056/NEJMp2004361>.

Whereas historians excel at documenting the drama of past epidemics, they are less comfortable with prediction. How worried should we be about Covid-19? Some experts warn that half the world’s population will be infected by year’s end, an incidence that could result in more than 100 million deaths. Given the historical rarity of catastrophic epidemics, such a perfect storm must be unlikely. But it is, regrettably, a possibility. History suggests that we are actually at much greater risk of exaggerated fears and misplaced priorities. The history of epidemics offers considerable advice, but only if people know the history and respond with wisdom.

Li 2020

Yunxia Li, Yiping Tian, Haichun Guo, Shikai Wei, Jiantao Cao, Chao Huang, Fuxi Shi & Zhiguo Rao, Complex “human-vegetation-climate” interactions in the Late Holocene and their significance for paleotemperature reconstructions. PNAS 117 (2020), 5568–5570.

Notably, it is unclear whether the pollen-based minor Late Holocene cooling trend is the result of the decrease in tree pollen. If this is the case, and given that the tree pollen decrease is proposed to be largely a signal of anthropogenic deforestation, then the pollen-based minor cooling trend in the Late Holocene is arguably not a genuine climatic signal. Therefore, it may be unreasonable to use the minor Late Holocene cooling trend for a “climate-vegetation” relationship analysis.

Mikolajczyk 2009

Rafael Mikolajczyk, Ralf Krumkamp, Reinhard Bornemann, Amena Ahmad, Markus Schwehm & Hans-Peter Duerr, Influenza, Einsichten aus mathematischer Modellierung. Deutsches Ärzteblatt 106 (2009), 777–782.

Hintergrund: Beim Auftreten von ersten Fällen einer neuen Infektionskrankheit stellt sich die Frage nach dem weiteren Verlauf der Epidemie und nach angemessenen Interventionsmaßnahmen zum Individual- und Bevölkerungsschutz. Mathematische Modelle liefern einen wichtigen Beitrag zur Beantwortung dieser Fragen. In diesem Beitrag beschreiben die Autoren die Grundkonzepte der mathematischen Modellierung von Infektionskrankheiten, illustrieren diese an einem einfachen Beispiel and stellen Ergebnisse von Modellierungsarbeiten zu Influenza vor.

Methode: Darstellung der mathematischen Modellierung von Infektionskrankheiten und selektives Literaturreview.

Ergebnisse: Grundkonzepte der mathematischen Modellierung von Infektionskrankheiten – Basisreproduktionszahl und Generationszeit – erlauben es, den Verlauf einer Epidemie besser zu verstehen. Modellierungsstudien auf der Basis von früheren Influenzaepidemien suggerieren, dass am Anfang der Epidemie, sofern keine Impfung zur Verfügung steht, die Isolierung von Erkrankten und die medikamentöse Prophylaxe bei Personen, die einen Kontakt mit der Krankheit hatten, den Anstieg der epidemischen Kurve verzögern kann. Im weiteren Verlauf der Epidemie können Einschränkungen der Kontaktzahlen (zum Beispiel Schulschließungen) eine wirksame Intervention darstellen, um den Verlauf der Epidemie abzumildern. Die Abmilderung des Epidemieverlaufs wirkt sich jedoch nur gering auf die Gesamtzahl der betroffenen Personen aus.

Schlussfolgerungen: Die mathematische Modellierung ist ein wichtiges Werkzeug für das Verständnis des epidemischen Geschehens und für den Vergleich und die Planung von Interventionen.

Keywords: Influenza | Epidemie | Krankheitsverlauf | Infektionsabwehr | Prävention

Nishiura 2020

Hiroshi Nishiura, Natalie M. Linton & Andrei R. Akhmetzhanov, Serial interval of novel coronavirus (COVID-19) infections. International Journal of Infectious Diseases (2020), preprint, 1–14. <DOI:10.1016/j.ijid.2020.02.060>.


- The serial interval of novel coronavirus (COVID-19) infections wasestimated from a total of 28 infector-infectee pairs.

- The median serial interval is shorter than the median incubation period,suggesting a substantial proportion of pre-symptomatic transmission.

- A short serial interval makes it difficult to trace contacts due to the rapidturnover of case generations.

Objective: To estimate the serial interval of novel coronavirus (COVID-19)from information on 28 infector-infectee pairs.

Methods: We collected dates of illness onset for primary cases (infectors) and secondary cases (infectees) from published research articles and case investigation reports. We subjectively ranked the credibility of the data and performed analyses on both the full dataset (n=28) and a subset of pairs with highest certainty in reporting (n=18). In addition, we adjust for right truncation of the data as the epidemic is still in its growth phase.

Results: Accounting for right truncation and analyzing all pairs, we estimated the median serial interval at 4.0 days (95 % credible interval [CrI]: 3.1, 4.9).Limiting our data to only the most certain pairs, the median serial interval was estimated at 4.6 days (95 % CrI: 3.5, 5.9).

Conclusions: The serial interval of COVID-19 is close to or shorter than its median incubation period. This suggests that a substantial proportion of secondary transmission may occur prior to illness onset. The COVID-19 serial interval is also shorter than the serial interval of severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS), indicating that calculations made using the SARS serial interval may introduce bias.

Wandeler 2012

Gilles Wandeler, Petra Gastmeier & Kathrin Mühlemann, Infektionskrankheiten. In: Matthias Egger & Oliver Razum (Hrsg.), Public Health, Sozial- und Präventivmedizin kompakt. De Gruyter Studium (Berlin 2012), 275–313.

Trotz bedeutender Fortschritte im Bereich der Prävention und der therapie gehören Infektionen noch immer weltweit zu den wichtigsten ursachen menschlicher Morbidität und Mortalität. Ein markantes Merkmal von Infektionskrankheiten ist ihre Übertragbarkeit, die je nach Übertragungsweg und Mitbeteiligung von lebenden Überträgern (Vektoren) auch stark durch umweltfaktoren beeinflusst werden kann. In diesem Kapitel geben wir eine Übersicht über die wesentlichen epidemiologischen Aspekte der Infektionskrankheiten, berücksichtigen dabei geografische unterschiede und gehen in diesem Rahmen auch auf die Konzepte der Übertragungsdynamik ein. Wir konzentrieren uns dabei auf Infektionen und Konzepte, die aktuell von großer Bedeutung sind oder deren Bedeutung in Zukunft zunehmen wird.


Gibbons 2020

Ann Gibbons, Strange bedfellows for human ancestors. science 367 (2020), 838–839.

Homo erectus and other “super-archaics” may have interbred with ancient humans.

But Wall and others warn their methods cannot rule out that the “ghosts” could be one or several groups of modern humans in Africa that were separated from other moderns for so long that their genes looked “archaic” when the groups finally came together again and mixed. “Our understanding of African population history in particular, is so far behind,” says Joshua Akey of Princeton University.

Scerri 2019

Eleanor M. L. Scerri, Lounès Chikhi & Mark G. Thomas, Beyond multiregional and simple out-of-Africa models of human evolution. Nature Ecology & Evolution (2019), preprint, 1–3. <DOI:10.1038/s41559-019-0992-1>.

The past half century has seen a move from a multiregionalist view of human origins to widespread acceptance that modern humans emerged in Africa. Here the authors argue that a simple out-of-Africa model is also outdated, and that the current state of the evidence favours a structured African metapopulation model of human origins.


Putthoff 2019

Tyson Putthoff, Human Nature and the Hebrew Bible, Judaic Studies Lunch Talk University of Oklahoma 4 December 2019. Online 2019 , Dec. 4. <> (2020-03-15).

In this talk, I challenge the consensus “functional interpretation” of the “image of God” in Genesis 1.26–27 and the corresponding account in Genesis 2.7. Building on the work of recent scholars, I argue for an “embodied interpretation” of these texts. I insist that, just as deities could install themselves in “cult statues” in a real way, God created the human as his own “cult statue” and installed himself within it when he brought it to life. Human nature, according to the biblical writers, is therefore more accurately a composite human-divine nature, as the human is the physical embodiment of the divine presence. When we view the tselem Elohim this way, we begin to see the image-human in Genesis not primarily as the royal emissary of God in distant lands but instead as the physical body of God in his cultic residence.

Sterman 2013

Baruch Sterman & Judy Taubes Sterman, The Great Tekhelet Debate, Blue or Purple? Biblical Archaeology Review 39 (2013), v, 28–29.

In addition, some chemists claim that ancient dyers, who created their dyes primarily using bacterial fermentation in covered vats, probably did not know how to adjust colors through exposure to sunlight, so that their dyes would have tended to be a much darker purple. In view of the obvious expertise of ancient dyers, however, this does not seem a convincing supposition.

We believe the preponderance of evidence—archaeological, linguistic and literary—clearly supports the traditional position and points to sky-blue as the authentic color of tekhelet. Over the past 25 years, we have produced hundreds of thousands of murex-dyed tzitzit strings that hang from prayer shawls around the world, reminding those who wear them of the sea, the sky and God’s holy throne.


Krause 2019

Rüdiger Krause & Rupert Gebhard, Das Narrativ von Bernstorf, Wissenschaftliches und Postfaktisches zu den Gold- und Bernsteinfunden. Archäologische Informationen 42 (2019), 251–266.

The unusual inds of gold plates and decorated ambers, one of them an amber seal with Linear B script, from the huge Bronze Age fortiication on the Bernstorfer mountain in Upper Bavaria (Germany) have, since 1998 and in particular since 2014, led to the accusation that the objects may have been falsiied or deferred. The presentation of scientiic data, 14C datings, gold analysis and inorganic data from diferent materials resulted in unusual forms of professional debate. Insinuations, distortions, disagreements and misrepresentations have led to narratives and counter narratives that have largely left the level of factual discussion and created alternative facts. It is the goal of the authors to resolve them.

Keywords: archaeology | Bronze Age | Bernstorf | Bavaria | Mycenae | gold | amber | forgery suspicion | narrative

Die ungewöhnlichen Funde von Goldblechen, verzierten Bernsteinen und einem Bernsteinsiegel mit Linear BSchrift im Bereich der großen bronzezeitlichen Befestigung auf dem Bernstorfer Berg in Oberbayern hat seit 1998 und insbesondere seit 2014 zum Vorwurf geführt, die Objekte seien gefälscht oder untergeschoben worden. Die Vorlage von naturwissenschaftlichen Daten, 14C-Datierungen, Goldanalysen und anorganischen Daten zu unterschiedlichen Materialien hat zu ungewöhnlichen Formen der fachlichen Auseinandersetzung geführt. Unterstellungen, Verzerrungen, Zerwürfnisse und Falschdarstellungen führten zu Narrativen und Gegennarrativen, die größtenteils die Ebene sachlicher Diskussionen verlassen haben und alternative Fakten geschafen haben. Diese wieder aufzulösen, ist das Ziel der Autoren.

Keywords: Archäologie | Bronzezeit | Bernstorf | Bayern | Mykene | Gold | Bernstein | Fälschungsverdacht | Narrativ


Bajo 2020

Petra Bajo & Russell N. Drysdale et al., Persistent influence of obliquity on ice age terminations since the Middle Pleistocene transition. science 367 (2020), 1235–1239.


Radiometric dating of glacial terminations over the past 640,000 years suggests pacing by Earth’s climatic precession, with each glacial-interglacial period spanning four or five cycles of  20,000 years. However, the lack of firm age estimates for older Pleistocene terminations confounds attempts to test the persistence of precession forcing. We combine an Italian speleothem record anchored by a uranium-lead chronology with North Atlantic ocean data to show that the first two deglaciations of the so-called 100,000-year world are separated by two obliquity cycles, with each termination starting at the same high phase of obliquity, but at opposing phases of precession. An assessment of 11 radiometrically dated terminations spanning the past million years suggests that obliquity exerted a persistent influence on not only their initiation but also their duration.

Petra Bajo, Russell N. Drysdale, Jon D. Woodhead, John C. Hellstrom, David Hodell, Patrizia Ferretti, Antje H. L. Voelker, Giovanni Zanchetta, Teresa Rodrigues, Eric Wolff, Jonathan Tyler, Silvia Frisia, Christoph Spötl & Anthony E. Fallick

Dean 2020

Joshua F. Dean, Old methane and modern climate change. science 367 (2020), 846–848.

Old methane is less important for our immediate future than contemporary sources.

However, large amounts of ice on the order of 1000 kg are needed for a single radiocarbon date of this methane. The study of Dyonisius et al. presents an impressive 11 such dates spanning 15,000 to 8000 years ago.

Dyonisius 2020

M. N. Dyonisius & V. V. Petrenko et al., Old carbon reservoirs were not important in the deglacial methane budget. science 367 (2020), 907–910.


Permafrost and methane hydrates are large, climate-sensitive old carbon reservoirs that have the potential to emit large quantities of methane, a potent greenhouse gas, as the Earth continues to warm. We present ice core isotopic measurements of methane (D14C, d13C, and dD) from the last deglaciation, which is a partial analog for modern warming. Our results show that methane emissions from old carbon reservoirs in response to deglacial warming were small (<19 teragrams of methane per year, 95 % confidence interval) and argue against similar methane emissions in response to future warming. Our Results also indicate that methane emissions from biomass burning in the pre-Industrial Holocene were 22 to 56 teragrams of methane per year (95 % confidence interval), which is comparable to today.

M. N. Dyonisius, V. V. Petrenko, A. M. Smith, Q. Hua, B. Yang, J. Schmitt, J. Beck, B. Seth, M. Bock, B. Hmiel, I. Vimont, J. A. Menking, S. A. Shackleton, D. Baggenstos, T. K. Bauska, R. H. Rhodes, P. Sperlich, R. Beaudette, C. Harth, M. Kalk, E. J. Brook, H. Fischer, J. P. Severinghaus & R. F. Weiss


Meyer-Christian 2019

Wolf Meyer-Christian, Maes Howe (Orkney, Mainland), Rekonstruktion der Planung einer jungsteinzeitlichen Grabanlage. Archäologische Informationen 42 (2019), 277–288.

On the Island of Orkney/Mainland, north of Scotland, a prehistoric tomb from about 3000 BC exists that will be examined here to reconstruct its measures and the geometry of its plan. That buildings have been planned – and that since more than six millennia – is rather new in science. The plan of Maes Howe consists of squares (Q) and “Pythagorean” triangles (pTs, resp. pDs in German). But up to now only a qualitative approach has been searched for, that contradicts the determination of measures in the physical world of building. “Planning” means “to make even”: cutting up of a three-dimensional body into three rectangular planes, to which the mathematical tools Q and pT can be applied. Rectangularity is to be installed from either side of a linear edge, as simpliest solution: Definition of slanting is not needed. A new thesis introduced here is the model of “standard set” (abbr. as STS) A1, A2 (Q and pT no. 1) and then B1, B2 (pT no. 2 and no 6), both reversible (fig. 3b), applied throughout the history of building. Our presentation here sets on comprehensibility rather than reconstructing the original of the plan, leaving open what the first step of the planning might have been. Fig. 4 shows the plan on the base of a length of 132 hands. Significant is the discovery of a 3-hand partition of a 12” foot, the oriental-roman system, instead of the greek 4-hand partition of a 16” foot. The obligatory double square (fig. 8) shows, that the middle tomb chamber belongs to the original plan; total measures being 52 feet (156 h) by 28 feet (84 h). Systemic plan organization is also transversal (fig. 11). Reconstruction of the north (fig. 15) and south tomb chamber (fig. 16); the latter holds an exceptional position as largest tomb: a dominating single pT 1-14 on 84 hand (fig. 21), probably the beginning of the plan.

Keywords: archaeology | history of architecture | square | pythagorean triangle | rectangularity | right angle | plan | planning | Maes Howe | geometry | measures | foot | partition of the foot | standard set

Auf der Insel Orkney nördlich von Schottland liegt ein neolithisches Megalithgrab (um 3000 v.Chr.), das im Folgenden in Bezug auf das maßlich-geometrische Konzept seiner Planung untersucht werden soll. Dass Bauwerke geplant worden sind und dass diese Planung in ihrer Art seit mehr als sechs Jahrtausenden besteht, ist neu für die Wissenschaft. “Planen” heißt “eben machen”: Aufschneiden eines dreidimensionalen Baukörpers in drei Ebenen. Es entstehen zweidimensionale, “plane” Rechtwinkel-Flächen, in denen die mathematischen Werkzeuge – Quadrate (Q) und pythagoreische Dreiecke (pD) – angesetzt werden können. Bisher hat die baugeschichtliche Forschung nur einen qualitativen Zugang gesucht, der aber die Bestimmtheit von Bemaßung in der physischen Welt des Bauens nicht trifft. Rechtwinkligkeit an einer oder beiden Seiten einer linearen Kante anzulegen ist die einfachste Lösung: Sie verlangt keine Definition eines schrägen Winkels, sondern wird über zwei gleich lange, in gleichem Abstand gehaltene Messstöcke als Hypothenusen angelegt. Neu ist hier die Vorstellung der “Standardsätze” (StS) A1 und A2 (Quadrate und pythagoräische Dreiecke; Nr. 1) sowie B1 und B2 (nur pythagoräische Dreiecke; Nr. 2 u. Nr. 6) und zudem auch deren Umkehrung (Abb. 3b) – die durch die gesamte Baugeschichte nachgewiesen werden können. Die Darstellung hier setzt auf eine schrittweise Verstehbarkeit und lässt die Frage nach der ersten Festlegung der damaligen Planung offen. Abb. 4 zeigt den Plan der Anlage von Maes Howe mit einer Länge von 132 Hand und dem Standardsatz A2. Wichtig ist die Feststellung einer orientalisch-römischen 3-Hand-Teilung des 12-Zoll-Fußes statt einer griechischen Teilung des 16-Zoll-Fußes in 4 Hand (h). Mit dem obligaten Doppelquadrat (Abb. 8) ist gezeigt, dass die mittlere Kammer des Grabes zur anfänglichen Planung dazugehört. Die Gesamtmaße betragen 52 Fuß (156 Hand) auf 28 Fuß (84 Hand). Der systemische Aufbau des Grabes erfolgte auch in der Breite (Abb. 11). Die südliche Nebenkammer hat als größte Kammer mit pD 1-14, d.i. 1(13:84:85)1 eine Sonderstellung inne (Abb. 21); sie steht wahrscheinlich am Anfang der Planung.

Keywords: Archäologie | Architekturgeschichte | Quadrat | pythagoräisches Dreieck | Rechtwinkligkeit | rechter Winkel | Planung | Maes Howe | Geometrie | Maße | Fußmaß | Fußmaßteilung | Standardsatz


Ammerman 1974

Albert J. Ammerman & Marcus W. Feldman, On the “Making” of an Assemblage of Stone Tools. American Antiquity 39 (1974), 610–616.

An attempt is made to view an assemblage of stone tools as something in the process of being generated time. A formal model is developed which includes variables such as activities and tool types and also draws attention to somewhat less visible variables that enter into the formation of an assemblage such as the dropping rates of tools and mapping relations between tool types and activities. Implications of the model for the interpretation of correlation coefficients which are often used in the quantitative analysis of assemblages and also for the “functional” argument are discussed.

Notroff 2019

Jens Notroff & Oliver Dietrich, But what is it good for? Experiences in Public Outreach of the Göbekli Tepe Project (DAI). Archäologische Informationen 42 (2019), 289–302.

With continuing strong popularity of archaeology in public perception, active science communication is more and more recognized as essential tool to not only inform about current research, but to also counter misinterpretation and misuse of archaeological data. Traditional outreach approaches like museums and popular books or articles have been complemented by new digital tools. In a time, in which facts seem to have become negotiable and ‘alternative facts’ can be proposed, pseudoscientific narratives are playing an increasing role in the public discourse on archaeological research – in particular, due to their accessibility in online media. Confronted with a growing public interest and proportionally increasing pseudoarchaeological narratives, we decided to address both in more open formats of science communication for the Göbekli Tepe Project with the creation of a project weblog whose aim it was to engage communication and provide information where the discussion actually was taking place: Online. This paper provides an insight into experiences and impact of nearly three years of science blogging.

Keywords: archaeology | science communication | public outreach | online | blogging | media

Dank anhaltender öffentlicher Popularität archäologischer Forschung ist aktive Wissenschaftskommunikation als wichtiges Werkzeug zur Vermittlung aktueller Forschung und Korrektiv fehlerhafter Interpretation oder gar missbräuchlicher Instrumentalisierung archäologischer Daten heute weitgehend akzeptiert. Traditionelle Vermittlungsmethoden in Museen und durch populärwissenschaftliche Bücher oder Artikel sind in den letzten Jahren durch digitale Medien ergänzt worden. In einer Zeit, in der Fakten verhandelbar zu sein scheinen und éalternative Fakten’ geschaffen werden können, spielen auch in der öffentlichen Debatte archäologischer Forschung sog. pseudowissenschaftliche Darstellungen eine immer größere Rolle – insbesondere durch ihre leichte Verfügbarkeit in Online-Medien. Im Rahmen des Göbekli Tepe Projekts haben wir, mit zunehmend größerem öffentlichen Interesse und verstärkt auch pseudoarchäologischen Narrativen konfrontiert, ein Weblog ins Leben gerufen, um dort an der Debatte teilzuhaben, wo sie tatsächlich stattfindet: online. Dieser Aufsatz fasst die Erfahrungen aus gut drei Jahren wissenschaftlichen Bloggens zusammen.

Keywords: Archäologie | Wissenschaftskommunikation | öffentliche Reichweite | online | Bloggen | Medien


Immel 2020

Alexander Immel, Almut Nebel & Ben Krause-Kyora et al., Gene-flow from steppe individuals into Cucuteni-Trypillia associated populations indicates long-standing contacts and gradual admixture. Scientific Reports 10 (2020), 4253. <DOI:10.1038/s41598-020-61190-0>.

The Cucuteni-Trypillia complex (CTC) lourished in eastern Europe for over two millennia (5100–2800 BCE) from the end of the Neolithic to the Early Bronze Age. Its vast distribution area encompassed modern-day eastern Romania, Moldova and western/central Ukraine. Due to a lack of existing burials throughout most of this time, only little is known about the people associated with this complex and their genetic composition. Here, we present genome-wide data generated from the skeletal remains of four females that were excavated from two Late CTC sites in Moldova (3500–3100 BCE). All individuals carried a large Neolithic-derived ancestry component and were genetically more closely related to Linear Pottery than to Anatolian farmers. Three of the specimens also showed considerable amounts of steppe-related ancestry, suggesting inlux into the CTC gene-pool from people ailiated with, for instance, the Ukraine Mesolithic. The latter scenario is supported by archaeological evidence. Taken together, our results conirm that the steppe component arrived in eastern Europe farming communities maybe as early as 3500 BCE. In addition, they are in agreement with the hypothesis of ongoing contacts and gradual admixture between incoming steppe and local western populations.

Alexander Immel, Stanislav Terna , Angela Simalcsik, Julian Susat, Oleg Sarov, Ghenadie Sîrbu, Robert Hofmann, Johannes Müller, Almut Nebel & Ben Krause-Kyora

Story or Book

Antolín 2019

Ferran Antolín, Edible insects and human evolution. Archäologische Informationen 42 (2019), 319–321.

Lesnik, J. J. (2018). Edible insects and human evolution. Gainesville, FL: University Press of Florida. Hardcover, 208 p. ISBN 978-0-813056-99-9

A better diet would have made the reproduction process more efficient and thus contributed to the evolutionary success of hominids. In order to prove this, Lesnik starts by providing the reader with some basic concepts around diet and the dietary requirements of pregnant or lactating women, particularly regarding protein intake. Women gather most of the insects, according to ethnographic records. They also consume more insects. Lesnik suggests that maybe insect consumption is a practice that results from generations of natural selection of a successful behaviour.

The last chapter summarises the main takehome messages of the book and makes an important declaration against what is currently known as Palaeo diet, a protein- and fat-rich diet based on supposed archaeological evidence against the consumption of starchy foods in the Palaeolithic. Lesnik points out that Palaeo diets should be more seasonal, and not the same all year round, and more diverse in food resources, including of course insects.

Petrasch 2019

Jörg Petrasch, Rondel Builders of Neolithic Europe. Archäologische Informationen 42 (2019), 455–459.

Rídky, J., Kvetina, P., Limbursky, P., Koncelová, M., Burgert, P. & Sumberová, R. (2019). Big Men or Chiefs? Rondel Builders of Neolithic Europe. Oxford & Philadelphia: Oxbow Books. Hardcover, 193 S., zahlr. Farb- und SW-Abb. sowie Tab. ISBN 978-1-78925-026-8.

Die bereits mehrfach aufgeworfene Frage nach der Herkunft der Kreisgrabenanlagen untersuchen sie ausführlich (S. 113-121) und kommen gut begründet zu dem Schluss, dass die Anlagen in allen Regionen gleichzeitig errichtet und nur eine kurze Zeit genutzt wurden.

Siegmund 2019

Frank Siegmund, Strategies for quantitative research. Archäologische Informationen 42 (2019), 496–497.

McCall, G. S. (2018). Strategies for quantitative research. Archaeology by numbers. Oxon: Routledge. 224 Seiten. ISBN 978-1-138-63253-0 (wahlweise Hardcover, Taschenbuch, eBuch).

Was ist die Natur der üblichen archäologischen Daten und was folgt daraus hinsichtlich des Arbeitens mit der Statistik?

Obwohl gelegentlich mathematische Formeln in den Text eingestreut sind (deren Lesweise leider nicht erklärt wird), funktioniert die Lektüre des Buchs im Grunde ohne Formeln und Mathematik. Es geht McCall vor allem um das Darlegen und Erklären, warum man ggf. dies und jenes berücksichtigen sollte, diesen oder jenen statistischen Weg einschlagen sollte – was weitgehend ohne Formeln und Mathematik möglich ist.

Wilde 2019

Heike Wilde, The Hyksos ruler Khyan and the Early Second Intermediate Period in Egypt. Archäologische Informationen 42 (2019), 522–527.

Forstner-Müller, I. & Moeller, N. (eds.) (2018). The Hyksos ruler Khyan and the Early Second Intermediate Period in Egypt: Problems and Priorities of current research. Proceedings of the Workshop of the Austrian Archaeological Institute and the Oriental Institute of the University of Chicago, Vienna, July 4-5, 2014. (Jahreshefte des Österreichischen Archäologischen Institutes, Ergänzungsheft 17). Wien: Holzhausen. 307 S. ISBN 978-3-902976-83-3. Auch im Open Access: \url{ .at/Ebooks/PUB504_Forstner-Mueller_Moeller.pdf [31.3.2019].}

Als Erstes eröffnet ein Beitrag der 2. Kategorie von David Aston, der die Möglichkeiten und Konsequenzen der Datierungsansätze. Dabei kristallisiert sich heraus, dass sein Schema “x, ultra-high”, also die besonders lange Chronologie, zu favorisieren ist und auch mit den vorliegenden 14C-Daten am besten korrespondiert.

In der Summe zeigen die einzelnen Beiträge auf, dass eine frühere Regierungszeit Khyans als plausibel anzusehen ist. Ferner kristallisiert sich aufgrund absoluter Daten klar eine Favorisierung der langen Chronologie heraus – mit Ausnahme der vertretenen Chronologie Tell el Dab’as aufgrund der konventionellen Datierung.

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