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Castle et al. claim to have excluded confounding cohort effects. I’m not fully convinced. Only a few decades ago it was very rare to interact with anyone commercially you did not expect to deal with many times in the future too. Anonymous strangers were a rare occurrence, one’s grandnieces and grandnephews did not stay out of touch for decades, and email fraud is quite new, as is the assumption that nearly every letter you receive is a fraudulent fake. Younger people have grown up with all this.
The interest of Bärnighausen lies in the current German discussion about the legality of male circumcision, in which the benefits are denied and the risks overblown. The last time someone tried to forbis the practice led to the stunning defeat of the then most powerful military power by a band of farmers led by Judah Maccabee.
Beauvilain throws an interesting light on the meaning of secure in-situ stratigraphic placement as reported by Lebatard and Vignaud.