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For several reasons I was very sceptical about Scally’s extrapolation from single generation mutation rates to evolutionary time spans. (List of 2012-10-14, my comment 2012-09-27) Reading Fu it seems I was right to be.
As Wunsch says: „Today’s climate models will likely prove of little interest in 100 years. But adequately sampled, carefully calibrated, quality controlled, and archived data for key elements of the climate system will be useful indefinitely.“ And there’s the rub. There are no reliable data. All the published ones have been tampered with and „corrected“ through unpublished and unassessable algorithms while the originals are concealed or lost. One thing we do know from comparing with older publications is that all those corrections tend to go in the same direction which is the opposite of the one expected from the undisputed urban heat island effect.