Articles to 2013-08-05

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Epidemiology like that of White et al. is the classic hotbed of junk science but just this once I can find nothing obviously wrong or fishy. Perhaps I’ve had too much Tofu lately.

According to Bogaard et al. Neolithic meat consumption has systematically been overestimated through lack of nitrogen measurements in plant remains and disregard of early manuring.

Today’s science has to be presented as boring as possible, all in the third person passive and with no hint of anything exciting about it. Nernst and other luminaries wrote in quite a different style up to about the thirties and you can still feel their enthusiasm. Another perfect example is the printed version of Graetz’s doctoral thesis, which also is lucid and understandable in marked contrast to modern humanities so beautifully mocked by Feynman. After having read Graetz I now have a chance to grasp what those other works on Gnosticism are all about.

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