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Contrary to common prejudice and contrary to what he himself seems to imply, the effect of teacher and school quality on further educational success seems to be negligible according to Chamberlain. His article is exceptional in not only lacking any graphic representation but also not including any table whatever, making it very hard to evaluate his claimed results.
One secondary result Culotta does not discuss is that people disregarding the law tend to be more, not less, socially minded than others. I’m looking forward to the forthcoming primary article.
From the raw data children of very young mothers tend to be cognitively retarded when reaching school age. Correcting for some other well established influences Morinis et al. could nearly eliminate that effect so, given that society were to reestablish favourable conditions, there seems to be no valid argument against young motherhood.
Kolb et al. offer independent new evidence for the Out of Africa II scenario.
Besides this week’s list is heavy with the Before Clovis theme.