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Popular literature tends to describe risk prone and overactive actors in the financial markets as hungry. Following Xu et al. it seems that once again language betrays a deep seated unconscious folk knowledge mostly disregarded by rational thought.
The controversies about Homo floresiensis won’t stop. According to Czarnetzki it seems that morphologically they fall inside the Orang Utang spectrum. If so a new question arises: Who made the tools? Admittedly a total lack of fossils for an existent group of Homo is a distinct possibility in the tropical climate.
Moore & Lobell find that about 10 % of the decline in yield growth (not a decline in yield!) is probably due to warming. That may well be so, but what about the other 90 %? While traditional agriculture has maintained and even improved soil quality for centuries, the recent massive deterioration and erosion of agricultural land is documented without doubt. Would it not make more sense to pursue the large and certain problem first before the small and doubtful one?