Articles to 2017-08-11

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Something quite old but new to, that I was made aware of by my twelve year old great-nephew: Tomato plants grafted onto a tobacco root stock produce nicotine in their leaves and fruit. See Blank, Dawson, Frey-Wyssling & Schmid.


As Catalini & Tucker show, Early adopters of unproven new technology are not just foolish status seekers but fulfil a relevant and necessary role in technological culture.


Zhou et al. elucidate a mechanism whereby privileged upbringing perpetuates rank and leadership disregarding ability.


An inclination towards and experiments with socialist redistribution of wealth is known form the earliest times of political writing in Greece and Rome. One of the earliest reports of the recurrent collapse of such systems is told in the Acts of the Apostles. So it is not without relevance when Sznycer et al. demonstrate that these intentions stem not from a desire for fairness and justice but from such basic and asocial instincts as greed and envy.

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