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Arguably the greatest advance in medicine since Medieval times may be the strict distinction between symptoms and causes. From Berer et al. it is beginning to look like multiple sclerosis being an illness not of the human patient bearing the symptoms but really of his gut microbiome.
I don’t get Kupferschmidt at all. Who cares if a twit, sorry tweater, is a bot or a human? If all they have to say are “likes”
and “shares”
, “follows”
and “retweets”
, emoticons, exclamation marks, and meaningless one-liners, who in his right might is going to take any notice of that junk anyway? Is a robot author really any worse than an idiot?
During the past couple of years the large and growing replication crisis has been featured in numerous articles. It seems that finally and with the help of selfless lawyers, totally devoid of any monetary considerations for themselves, science has found the answer. As Marcus reports, experimental methods can now be placed under copyright and others cannot or must not replicate them, unless they pay a steep license fee first. Otherwise journals may bow to pressure and retract entire articles. What surprises me is that according to Marcus nobody, not a single large and well endowed university has let it go to court and have it decided there. The all caved in to bullying.
The new and careful redating of Vindija as reported by Hublin and Devièse et al. finally confirms what Weninger and colleagues had already predicted in 2011 (Jöris 2011, list of 2015-12-28).
Not that it was very plausible before, but Boxell et al. totally disprove the pretext conjured up to justify Germany’s new censorship law.