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The hypothesis of Meindl et al. fits well with Zarulli et al.’s female longevity under severe stress of last week.
“If real, this slow drop in deep ocean temperatures
is a boon to a warming planet.”
Voosen says. I’d say the opposite was true. The Little Ice Age reversed trend and began to end over two centuries ago. So if current atmospheric warming really were held back by a Pacific time delay then that’s soon to end and we’d have to expect a perceptible acceleration in the warming trend.
Lawler chimes in with Arnold et al.. If wide ranging pastoralism is a recent phenomenon, then it can’t have provided the means for long distance trading in the Early Bronze Age.
For some reason I never saw Nezafati et al. before and more importantly I never saw them cited anywhere. If their result holds they may have solved the riddle of early tin.