Articles to 2019-08-15

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Jacome et al. is a timely reminder of what a stable and reliable round the clock power supply means and what we risk by engaging in pie-in-the-sky experiments with dismantling dependable and predictable sources.


Sotoudeh et al. is one more in the disturbing chain of studies in effective top-down social engineering. Of course they chose an incontroversial object like smoking, but phantasies of removing “bad apples” or inserting some “shining stars” into the population to be corrected give the intentions away.

Of course this sounds a lot like a conspiracy theory and one might ask, why these results are not secret if my concerns were founded. Hiding things in plain sight is a proven method. Political activists do not read the scientific literature and those that do are mainly employed and paid by the state. Secrecy would only highlight the importance.

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