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As of today all the “renewable”
hype is about electricity generation alone. Electricity is only a fraction of fossil fuel consumption and yet hundreds of coal burning generators are being newly built. So where is all that extra, abundant, and cheap “renewable”
electricity to come from that is going to substitute all those non-electrical fuel uses? As Service reports, synthesizing chemical feedstocks requires a constant supply with storage. The only large-scale storage currently being discussed is chemical feedstocks. Notice anything? So what it really all boils down to, like so man of these schemes do, is economic subsidy fraud pure and simple.
Page et al. is one more example of an epigenetic adaptation in the Lamarckian sense.
I’m not sure what Wild et al. are trying to tell us. Herxheim certainly was no massacre. The ditch was not dug at one time but in sections and so the burials can't have been contemporaneous. Schletz and Talheim probably both were one time events, but Wild et al.'s dating is not precise enough to tell that apart from a drawn out hundred-years-war and could not be expected to be. So what's the point?
When it comes to early weaning and bottle feeding it looks like a good idea to give the commentary over to an anatomist. That's fine as long as they don't lean too far out from their area of expertise, as Halcrow tends to do. In trying to explain Neolithic culture through analogy, using Iron Age finds is not that much better than current custom, after all the IA is appreciably closer to us than them in time. On top of that the IA vessels were found in infant graves while comparable Neolithic ones weren't. That does not mean the speculations concerning the Neolithic demographic transition are wrong, just that the new finds don't supply any proof for them. They do of course add an elucidating parallel. Secondly she claims that Charlton et al. have demonstrated milk-drinking in the Neolithic. In fact they explicitly say the opposite.