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If you want a small child to fall asleep peacefully and if you want people to get off their seats and onto the dance floor, music is the generally acknowledged way to do it. It won't be the same kind of music in both cases and it's pretty obvious what the difference between them is going to be. So do Fitch & Popescu and Mehr et al. really tell us anything new and worthwhile? I think not, this is more biology than culture. But hey, they have formally demonstrated the obvious and found the funding to do it with – enough to feed 19 full authors and all the members of all their ancillary teams.
Golden rice has been feeding the curiosity of the rich and privileged for so long, that as I said before (Nov. 1st) I was not only surprised but gobsmacked to find it has yet to feed a single poor and malnourished person in the world. As Stokstad tells us, that time might finally come in 2022. Let's wait and see and let's book a flight to observe personally from the new Berlin airport.
To me it's quite obvious that the “son of god”
in 4Q246 is not a messianic figure but more akin to the antichrist. Although there's far from a consensus on this, I do not stand alone in this view. It seems that superficial similarities and partly identical wording in Luke's annunciation to Mary cloud readers' judgement.