Articles to 2020-01-17

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The ability to withstand dehydration is an important aspect of early Homo's ability to conquer new habitats and adapt to a meat-based subsistence. In this context grazing ungulates are the wrong benchmark. Of all other hunters and scavengers only the vultures could venture as far and as long out into the unshaded open as early hairless and perspiration cooled hominins. This is confirmed by Hora et al's new result.


The Nicean council was convened and dominated by the emperor and its results were those imposed by him against considerable but suppressed opposition. So it is only the Eastern Christianity outside of Byzantian control that preserved and represented genuine Christianity from before the church came under state control and furthered state interests in place of its original teaching and beliefs. Aphrahat is one of its most important sources and Peter Bruns' new translation a most important contribution to understanding what Christian teaching is all about. Contrary to the convention of the series this volume does not contain the original text, which is why I added the Parisot 1894 edition to last week's list.

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