Articles to 2020-07-11

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Bonaccorsi et al. make claims about alleged results but don't show a single one of them. What they do show are several smooth curves transiting the onset of lockdown without even the slightest change of trend, showing, if anything, the continuously rising burden of Covid during March.


In Dehning et al. λ and μ quite obviously are not unitless numbers but parameters with the dimension per time. That much is easy. Finding out that the unit missing in all their diagrams is “per day” requires very close reading of their methods where it's well hidden in a tiny sub-clause. This would be enough to fail a first-year student but it's obviously fine for one of the premier peer reviewed journals. And again besides editors and referees there are six co-authors not one whom has seen and objected to this major blunder.


Very gratifyingly Townsend et al. dare to restate an old an well established truth that has long become a dirty word among today's fashionable post-processual archaeology: “Turnbull’s most fundamental error may have been to assume that all Ik behaviour, along with all human behaviour more broadly, is best explained with reference to culture. Such an assumption is widespread but rarely critically examined or tested.”. Behaviour is governed by rules and general human traits and these are a valid subject for research. Human culture is not all idiosyncratic, unrelated individualism lacking any discernible order as current fashion would have us believe.


By now even the group around Pernicka are forced to admit, that tin isotope studies are completely useless. They don't do so openly yet but well hidden in Berger et al. they admit as much as clearly as could have been hoped for. So finally we may be able to move on to more promising endeavours.

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