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According to Chumakov et al. any inoculation against anything is beneficial at the onset of an epidemic. If true this would provide a novel way to combat unknown diseases before specific treatments and vaccines can be developed.
If Yang et al. are right – and their results look highly plausible – then an extremely simple and superficial test missing 90 % of the infected would still do an enormous amount of good. This could open an avenue towards cheap, unobtrusive, and ubiquitous mass testing. Interestingly the distributions of virus concentrations are indistinguishable between symptomatic and symptomatic cases.
Contrary to what the abstract implies, Riedl et al. still show average personal capability to be the most important driver of group performance, followed by efficient social processing. I still believe this to have been the main driver in the Human/Neanderthal interaction and Neanderthals to have been highly intelligent and capable individuals. Of course social skills are what distinguishes the most successful swindlers and deceivers – in the form of both the impeachable kind and of salesmanship driving out a superior product.
The WHO study in NEJM is one more proof, this time an especially substantial one, of the importance of body contact for human infants. The fatal book “Die deutsche Mutter und ihr erstes Kind”
by Johanna Haarer (list of 2016-10-12) was no exception, just an especially stringent example for the international Zeitgeist of its time. The pernicious influence of this way of thinking is much more pervasive today than most are prepared to admit. The primitive and uncultured ways of child rearing still have a long way to go before being fully appreciated again. See also Jared Diamond “The world until yesterday”
and Herbert Renz-Polster “Kinder verstehen”
(list of 2015-08-20).
Bennett & Lewis et al. is one more contribution to the debate about the carbon religion. I doubt that South American and Asian rainforests are that much less resilient of themselves. Both suffer from immense deforestation and other forms of massive anthropogenic degradation. It is these kinds of human induced climate change, including those perpetrated in the name of Klimaschutz, that we need to focus on.
And again we have a study in DeMora et al. that uses Covid as a pretext and opportunity but really is about effective mind control for the masses by governments. Fortunately, if the unexplained R2 in their table really means what it usually does, all their effort turns out to be essentially futile – not that the abstract would admit as much.