Articles to 2021-06-21

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Admittedly the number of male Neanderthal genomes is very small, but when all of them without exception show a y-chromosome stemming from modern humans, as Gibbons reports, something sounds fishy.


The importance of languages keeps being emphasised by Latin teachers and in spite of some doubts on the stronger formulations of the Sapir-Whorf hypothesis it is accepted you can’t think about what you lack the words for. Mathematics too is a language, not a science, and it is the language all of nature is written in. So Zacharopoulos et al. comes as no surprise at all.


Olmsted looks like highly imaginative nonsense to me.


All too often the worst cases of scientific fraud are committed by the best known and most prestigious representatives. When science has become a career instead of a calling, going against the flow has become a risk to be avoided. Thompson as reported by Enserink is bound to be just one case of many. In the current flood of irreplicable, overstated, and fraudulent results the whole endeavour of science is in danger of going down the drain.

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