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I’m not really surprised that Vaesen & Houkes got written and accepted – there’s a lot that does – but what did surprise me was so many others taking it seriously, commenting on it and even agreeing. At least 90 % of what a grown human knows or is able to do is learnt, not only copied from others but actively taught whether formally or not. What more do you need? Is there any human trait that’s less obvious and beyond doubt than this one?
More and more people are hit by or at risk from flooding and that threat is often used as one more proof for climate change. As Jongman and Tellman et al. clearly demonstrate – while carefully avoiding to spell it out – this rise is not driven by more flooding in long settled areas or even more flooding in general (see fig. 1c) but by more and more people settling in areas that have been and been known to be flood prone for centuries.
While Boers has “Observation-based”
in the title it’s just one more example of models being treated as data. One point that does stand out is how much most of the results shown are influenced by the exceptional excursion from about 1970–1990.