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Baker & Armelagos et al. might provide a useful parallel to the current Covid epidemic. According to them, syphilis began as a (mostly) harmless childhood disease and only became virulent when circumstances changed to make it transmissible only in adult age. By all accounts Covid too will become harmless if most people come in contact with it and become immunized early enough.
There are calls for Bunch et al. to be withdrawn, maybe rightly so. But all the criticism I’ve seen so far were ad hominem attacks on the authors and nothing factual about its content. The claim of religious fundamentalism is an obvious nonsense. This article is about the possible cause for a Bronze Age destruction layer. Whether this particular destruction may or may not have been transmitted in folk memory and found its way into the Biblical text is a completely irrelevant side aspect. The Bible may claim this destruction to have been a direct action by the hand of God, the authors of the present article do not.
I already commented on Leder et al.’s preprint in the list of 2021-08-23.
Most general histories of the Linear B decipherment claim Ventris found the solution, because he was the first to consider Greek as a possibility. As his article from 1940 proves, quite the opposite was the case.