Articles to 2023-06-22

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In Thomas & Wahedi we have again a large and extremely well endowed study, whose real sources of funding remain hidden in the murky depths of corporate trade secrets. As usual it purports to be about the wholly acceptable and moral fight against hate but turns out to be easily generalizable to all kinds of outspoken opposition against any kind of governmental power abuse.


If a mutation alone is to blame for all four cot deaths as Travis claims, why has the mother carrying it herself survived? Regarding their birth years all four children were placed on their tummies to sleep while the mother wasn’t. It is now well known and generally accepted that this erroneous not recommendation but command enforced through threats has led to a quadrupling of the rate of infant cot death while it was in force. I am still waiting for a single apology and admission of responsibility from any spokesperson for the medical profession anywhere or even a single medical doctor. Honest mistakes can and do happen, but this complete denial amounts to criminal neglect and that I can and will never forgive.

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