Bolt, Harald; et al.
Plasma induced material defects and threshold values for thermal loads in high temperature resistant alloys and in refractory metals for first wall application in fusion reactors
Bericht der KFA Jülich Nr. 2086; Oktober 1986
Harrison, M.F.A.
Specifications of operation of the first wall from the point of view of the plasma wall interaction Material requirements for the protection of NET first wall
meeting Garching; 4.& 5. Juni 1986
Smid, Ivica; et al.
Evaluation of high temperature brazes for graphite first wall protection elements
15th Symposium on Fusion Technology; Utrecht; 19.- 23. September 1988
Toschi, Romano; et al.
Next European Torus objectives, general requirements, and parameter choices
Fusion Technology; Vol. 14; Juli 1988
Zolti, E.
Thermomechanical design evaluation and material properties requirements for NET divertor elements
3rd international conference on fusion reactor materials (ICFRM-3); Karlsruhe; 4.- 8. Oktober 1987
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